Companies worldwide turn to Sappington Media to find answers to their most challenging business questions. We offer independent analysis of business-critical issues. Using proven methodologies and decades of industry experience in the entertainment, communications, and technology sectors, we supply you with the data, context, actionable insights, and recommendations you need. Our bespoke reports tell the story behind the data, with the detail needed by front live managers and the professional polish required by C-level executives.

Analysis & Research

Answer Business Questions

Analyst Inquiries

Rapid-response insights to time sensitive inquiries on topics that common syndicated research doesn’t address. Meet with an expert for a 1:1 virtual discussion or receive a quick summary report with analysis and available data.

In-depth Analytical Reports

A deeper analysis for questions requiring additional research. We create a bespoke report to your specifications, including tailored implications and recommendations for your business.

Research Retainers

Provides ongoing access to experts that will investigate topics specified by you.

Understand Consumers

Consumer Surveys

Reliable, quantified measurements of consumers via turnkey quantitative studies. Designed, executed, and analyzed by experienced consumer marketing research professionals.

Qualitative Research / Moderating

Experienced moderation and discussion guide design for focus groups, IDIs, and online communities.

Understand Businesses

Competitive Analysis

Deep insights into competitors, including their offerings, positioning, strengths/weaknesses, and key metrics.

Executive Interviews

Feedback and insights from business executives themselves, performed by knowledgeable industry experts.